Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sick Days = Art Days

The Plague has befallen our family. Not the real plague ... guess I shouldn't say that - I just learned recently that the plague is still alive & well in this world (!!) - but some nasty virus that knocks you off your feet & makes you feel like you've just climbed a mountain ... then fallen back down it.

So. Lots of energy for schoolin'? Um, no.

I decided to declare Monday "art day". I pulled out some paints, pencils, paper cut to ATC (artist trading card) size, and we all sat down to craft our hearts out. Time stretched on ... and on ... it turned into art day. Emily made us some lunch. More crafting.

Aside from emptying the paint water, we let the materials just stay put, to resume our venture on Tuesday - we didn't feel quite "done". Finally, Tuesday afternoon, everyone declared themselves finished. Ahhh. A good, solid two school days of sniffly, cough-y, "look-at-this!" moments together around the dining room table, interrupted by the occasional need to lie down or get a cold pack or a hot tea ...

Then, after finding ourselves all finished (suspiciously all at the same time - ??), we cleaned up the supplies, then headed to the couch, popped in "The Wizard of Oz", ordered pizza (isn't that the sure cure for flu?), swapped ATCs, and revelled in the one-ness of it all. I can't say that anything could have made this cursed illness actually enjoyable, but this was the best that could have been made of it. (o:


Anonymous said...

Sounds heavenly! I love days that work like that, and that you had two is such a treat! I'm jealous, I never have two kids interested in art in a sustained way.

April said...

Aww, can I come for your next art/sick day? ;-)

Cheryl Fines said...

You bet! You don't mind the cover charge ... getting the flu?