Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Little Voyageurs!

As part of homeschool co-op, the kids were participating in "Voyageur Games" at the park when the newspaper photographer snapped this picture. M is in the pink. E isn't in this group.
Our co-op this month is - you guessed it - about voyageurs, fur trade, etc. Here, the kids were each on a team representing one of the two main trading companies - the Hudson Bay Company, or the NorthWest Trading Company. The sled was their canoe; the poor guy pulling it was the avant position voyageur, and the rear voyageur was the steersman (why can't I remember the French term?). The two middle guys were the millieux. They had a long journey to make - going first to the church for mass, then along the river route, over several portages and one demi-décharge, and ending with one very tricky portage. They had cargo to get safely to their destination. They all did a great job - in -30 weather, I might add - and kept high spirits throughout their task! After thawing out at home, they still had energy enough to make bannock to go with the pea soup for dinner!!
On Friday, we will leave early to drive 2 hours to the Fesival du Voyageur, which will be a wonderful experience for all.
Next co-op, we plan some more fun activities, including a trading exercise...

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