Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!

E & M had a quiet, but very nice, Valentines Day at home today. They've both been busy making beautiful valentines and gifts for their friends and family - such creative kids! They loved giving their valentines to everyone, and of course, receiving some as well. (o;

I signed the girls up for a valentines swap through a message board I frequent, and they sent out 22 valentines each a while back. Well - their parcel arrived a few days ago, but I kept it under wraps until today. It was the perfect thing to brighten spirits on a low-energy day like this - they got to open 22 valentines, little treats, stickers, tattoos, etc. - it was marvellous!

This would usually have been their sleepover day with Amma, allowing their Dad & me a date night - perfect timing for Valentines Day - but with the kids being sick, we cancelled all of that, and Amma has been over with us instead. What a nice turn of events - it allowed the four of us girls & women to hang out today, and all of us will have the chance to be together for the evening: a true Valentines celebration.

So now - kids tucked into bed - we're wishing you and yours all a happy & healthy Valentines Day!

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