Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Decade Today!

E is TEN today! A decade old! Ten years ago at this moment she was less than an hour old. Probably her Auntie Julie & her Daddy were wrestling over her while I was still waiting for the spinal to wear off enough to get out of recovery room-jail... Amma was trapped in Winnipeg by the gigantic, Manitoba-stopping snowstorm of '98... and that sweet little 8 pound, 14 ounce, ten-fingered, ten-toed, perfect little baby girl was finally here!


1 comment:

April said...

Happy Birthday to yooooou. Happy Birthday toooooo yoooooooooou. Happy Birthday dearrrrr Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Happy Birthday to you! Hope you had a fantastic day!! ♥ April