Thursday, September 4, 2008

M's turn

M had her first day of school today. Kindergarten ... wow, it hardly seems possible she's old enough.

She started out nervous, on the way to school ("My tummy hurts") - but seemed at ease once she was there. We were early, so were in the classroom before anyone else (even the teacher, who was in a staff meeting). I guess the other early kids were outside playing, or at the gym for the before-school program. We explored the classroom a little, Maya did some reading (stuff on the walls) and eventually, the bell rang, which signalled the others to come in.

While we were alone, Craig pointed to a bunch of magnetic letters on a whiteboard, and asked Maya to read what was spelled there. Someone had left the word, "cat". She looks over and says, without hesitation, "Welcome". Tee hee. Above the whiteboard was a welcome sign ...

I nervously checked the answering machine each time I came in the house, and dug out the cell phone, so I wouldn't miss the call if M's nervousness took a turn for the worse. But nope, no call.

Craig & I went to pick her up, and she was a happy little kid, looking like she had been at Kindergarten for weeks already. (o:

Her favorite thing about Kindergarten: "Walking with marshmallows on our feet." Huh? After much discussion, I figured out (I think) that these are imaginary giant marshmallows, intended to keep the kids nice & quiet while walking in the halls, so as to not disturb the rest of the classes. Cute.

She got a star on her name for helping a kid up the slide. (o*:

Leaving the school, M told us that, "I didn't leave nothing in my lunch." That was an odd grammatical mistake for her, but of course I corrected her. Turns out, joke's on me - she meant that. She didn't leave nothing - she left something in her lunch bag. I've gotta give that girl more credit for being right.

Anyways. Looks like the first school experience was a positive one.


Wee Willie Wonka said...

I was happy to read about how great her first day was. Good for you! I know it was hard to leave her, but you have prepared her well. I think she will have a blast. Take care.

April said...

Hurray!!!!! What a wonderful thing to know she had such a good first day. I love the marshmellow feet. hee hee!! ♥