Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Half-Way There!

Well, the battle for bussing has reached its first milestone, with bussing home being provided now!

Background: Speaking with the Principal of the Alexander school in June, I was hopeful that we'd get bussing, since this was discussed between herself and the Division when they were creating the new program. Through the summer, I was in contact with senior administration of the Division, and ultimately, got the answer that bussing wouldn't be provided at this time. Yesterday I attended a meeting of
the Transportation Committee, pleading my case, and in the evening, the Principal and the Parent Council president attended the School Board meeting. At the latter, it was decided unanimously to offer us return bussing (the bus comes back to Brandon anyways every day after school, arriving around 4:20-4:30).

So... just have to contact the Transportation Supervisor to see what has to be done to get the ball rolling. Hopefully before the week's end, the kids will be returning home each night on the school bus. Ahhh.