Monday, September 1, 2008

BIG decision!

What's this, you say? It's the place where E & M will learn a great deal this year. We've decided to enrol both of the kids in school!

Alexander school is running a unique (to the Division) arts infusion program - it sounds like a wonderful way to learn, and a deeply enriched experience - we're really happy that they will have this opportunity.

For a full description of the school, visit the Division's "Handbook of Schools" - pages 11-13: Handbook of Schools

...but here's an excerpt:

Alexander school offers a quality educational program based on the Manitoba Curriculum in a multi-age setting. The distinguishing feature of our programming is the "infusion of the arts" to engage students in hands-on learning experiences. At our school, students have the opportunity to explore their learning in both traditional and non-traditional ways. The provincial curricular outcomes, in all subject areas, form the foundation for planning and instruction. The infusion of arts into the curriculum is an excellent means of enhancing student learning and engagement. Students are given the opportunity to explore, learn, and present information and experiences in multiple ways. There is a greater emphasis on the process of learning through this experiential methodology. In addition to more traditional methods, students share what they have learned through the disciplines of the fine, performing, and media arts. They are encouraged to find ways of learning that help them understand concepts, analyze experiences, and develop attitudes that value the rigour that the arts require. We have guest artists who visit our school for extended periods of time, throughout the year, to enhance our learning experiences.

"Talent" is not the issue at arts-infused learning; rather, the emphasis is on learning process that encourages:

The prescribed Manitoba Curriculum serves as the foundation for our work in providing quality learning experiences for all students. Through the infusion of arts into the curriculum, we believe that students should have opportunities to achieve beyond the basic curricular expectations."

The school has three classrooms, and about 40 students. M's K-1-2 classroom has 18 students (M makes 19); E's classroom has 10 students in grades 3-4-5.

M's classroom webpage has lots of info about the primary program - check out the ABC's - Primary class

I'm thrilled for our kids that they'll have this opportunity.

For now, I'm driving them (it's about 20 minutes out of town) - hopefully as more Brandon families choose Alexander, the Division will provide bussing at some point. Meanwhile, I think it's a worthwhile investment in their education and general well-being.

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