Thursday, December 18, 2008

What a great Christmas concert!

We just got back from the kids' Christmas concert. "Concert" is deceiving ... it was more like a musical theatre production. Cool play with all the 43 kids in the school, about having an eco-friendly Christmas (and life).

I'll peek through my pics to see if there's anything publish-able, but there is a contract in the school division & not posting school events without express permission of each child in the picture (well, their parents that is) is disallowed. I balked at this first, then got thinking more about it - who knows how many people could be in nasty situations in which their location is not meant to be shared ... it happens, and who am I to say that my "need" to post pics of the school play trumps their need for personal safety? So, I'll play nice. (o:


April said...

Oooooh!!! I can't wait to hear more. :-( Wish I coulda come and seen it in person, but the video will have to do!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it was beautiful!!! A Christmas concert, at an arts focused school, would have been something to see. I would love to see the pictures in person. Sorry we didn't make it we were crafting from morning to night.

Hope to see you soon.