Saturday, December 13, 2008

I am woman, see me skate!

Ha ha.

In other words, the kids & I went skating tonite. Why would that be significant? It's been over 20 years since I last skated, and that wasn't a pretty sight.

Tonite, however, 45 minutes on the ice (at least) and not one tumble. Woohoo! Oh - and the kids had fun, as well. (o;


April said...

Yayyyy!! Sorry we missed out on such a special occasion. :-) It is probably for the best that we tried to keep our bedtime schedule though. We'll be there next time!

Wee Willie Wonka said...

Well Done!
I was planning on skating this week, but then the weather turned to cold for me. Hopefully, when I get out there I manage to stay upright too.

April said...

p.s. Next time you must take pictures. :-)