Friday, November 28, 2008

Little Game of Catch-Up

I've been remiss in not posting some of our highlights lately. So - even though they're old-ish and possibly out of order...

Let's start with long-overdue Hallowe'en pics:

Our fiendish dead bride.
Our not-so-fiendish "nice witch", admiring her glow-in-the-dark witch fingers.

Witches love carving pumpkins!

AND NOW - skating. M finished up her skating in early November, having acheived 2 levels in her session! Proud lil skater!

The ever-popular SANTA PARADE:
The tedium & agony of waiting.
The reward at the end!

A day of fun!

...but eating there wasn't such a great idea. Here's the revolting mac & cheese - even I couldn't eat it when I switched with her:


She's not the biggest fan of my soup, but it beats the alternative:

Just slips 'n' clips of our live over the last month or two.

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