Friday, November 28, 2008

Devastating news

My heart goes out to my brother Rick and his sweet wife Lise, who just lost their precious baby. Such unthinkable sorrow ...

Everyday view on the school drive

...taken by M, en route back home one day from taking E to school.

Little Game of Catch-Up

I've been remiss in not posting some of our highlights lately. So - even though they're old-ish and possibly out of order...

Let's start with long-overdue Hallowe'en pics:

Our fiendish dead bride.
Our not-so-fiendish "nice witch", admiring her glow-in-the-dark witch fingers.

Witches love carving pumpkins!

AND NOW - skating. M finished up her skating in early November, having acheived 2 levels in her session! Proud lil skater!

The ever-popular SANTA PARADE:
The tedium & agony of waiting.
The reward at the end!

A day of fun!

...but eating there wasn't such a great idea. Here's the revolting mac & cheese - even I couldn't eat it when I switched with her:


She's not the biggest fan of my soup, but it beats the alternative:

Just slips 'n' clips of our live over the last month or two.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Childhood revisited

Making lunch yesterday, I noticed the gigantic bag of marshmallows sitting above the PB. It struck me - peanut butter & marshmallow sandwiches! I hadn't had one since I was a kid - maybe 35 or more years ago. I asked M if she'd like one, and she looked at me in utter disbelief.

Well ... we had 'em.

For me, the memory was infinitely better than the actual item.

For M, it's the best thing ever.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas fun!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Testing, testing!

Trying to unwrap the mysteries of the Elf Yourself site ... perhaps it posts to the most recently-used blog you are in? We'll see in a second!