Friday, October 17, 2008

Timer Day

Yesterday was a M-at-home day, but I had a lot of things to get done. Fearing I might have a day of neglecting her, instead, I thought I'd take a page from the Book of Wanda and use a timer to keep the time from slipping away.

M & I sat down & made a list of the day's activities, generally alternating from fun activity to work activity, and an estimate of the time it would take. M got to set the timer each time.

It worked beautifully - our work got done (well, almost), and we had lots of fun. Maya is quite a schedule tyrant - when that timer dinged, she was eager to move on to the next scheduled activity, work or play. "Timer Day" was a huge hit!


April said...

Cute idea!!

Wee Willie Wonka said...

You make the use of a timer sound wise. I was beginning to think I was obsessive.